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Distribution Transformer Monitor System (DTMS) is a specialized hardware device that collects and measures information relative to electricity passing into and through a distribution transformer. The DTM is typically retrofit onto pole-mounted and pad-mounted transformers. DTMS devices commonly consist of highly accurate non-piercing or piercing sensors, onboard communications modules to transmit information, and a power supply provision. The DTMS device reports to a collection engine, and/or existing SCADA system where relevant transformer data is stored and presented to the user; analytics platforms are oftentimes employed to interpret the information being captured and reported by the DTMS.


DTMS sensors transmit timely, accurate intra-grid readings for Voltage, Energy, Current and Temperature, thus empowering a long list of derived performance and power quality understandings for operations personnel. These fundamental data points provide direct relevance to electric utility operators. Additionally, these data points can be extrapolated to reveal enhanced grid performance and asset health information. Given the physical location of the DTMS within the heart of the distribution grid, in addition to the DTM reporting frequency capability, the versatility of this intra-grid sensor is expansive.